Saturday, 27 February 2016


Let me see beauty where there's none, Lord!
Allow my eyes to see beyond what I can see right now
Open my heart to love wilder and deeper the things that are not in my heart yet
but you have beautifully placed in my hands to take care of,
Make me see the beauty in your eyes being reflected wherever I lay my eyes on
Where there is poverty, let me see the beauty of your compassion and generosity
Where there is violence, let me see the beauty of your hope and justice
Where there is corruption, let me see the beauty of your grace towards your people and their way back to you with repentance in their hearts and totally surrendered to your love
When the fear arise in my heart, let me see the beauty of your loving arms holding me and whispering in my ears: "You're mine, don't be afraid! I'm with you"

I Know YOU MAKE ME BRAVE for such a time as this!!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

New Roads // New Rivers

Stepping into the unknown always requires faith & lots of courage to be bold enough to listen what is in God's heart and make a move to see it accomplished - Nothing will ever change if you don't get out of your comfort zone and explore this new roads and new rivers that God has put in your path!

“Forget the former things;
  do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland." - Isaiah 43:18-19

Going towards the complete unseen season of life often feels like the craziest thing you are about to do in your life but this is exactly how God wants you to live, in a completely abandoned trust in Him because the reality is, you don't need to know how is going to work out - The One who has called you, He KNOWS! - the only thing you need to do is trusting Him, trusting His power and His perfect ways and never-ever forget that He is good no matter what, even when you don't understand His ways (Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7)

He is about to do a new thing, fully embark in this journey and trust Him!! It will be worth it, it will be exciting and unfathomable but it's only going to happen if you step out and go for it :)
Forget what is behind and embrace the NEW - He has more for your life, more than you could ever imagine!! just TRUST HIM!! He knows what He is doing and don't forget that The One who has called you will sustain you and give you grace and enough strength to do well. He WILL finish the good work He has begun in your life because HE IS FAITHFUL!

Hope this can encourage you today,
Be blessed! xx